
(Richard in his Br Green Livery)

(Rendered and modelled in Blender By: Bradleythethomasfan1)

Name: Richard

D.O.B: 9th June 1961 (Doncaster works)

Gender: Male

Traction type: Diesel

Number: D2392

Class: 03

Max speed: 28.5 mph

Function: Shunting

Power: 206 HP

Primary Livery: Br Green

Other liveries: Br Blue, Br Black

Opinion on Steam Engines: Mixed, but overall forms an option of engines via there personality

Personality: usually kind, friendly and cheeky. although when things don’t go the way he planned he can get very angry. This can also cause him to be stubborn, and sticks to what he feels is feasible and logical.  In group situations Richard, to save himself the effort assumes the position of leader.